Nicki Minaj Thought Mariah Carey Beef Was Squashed; Blindsighted By Harboring Negativity!!
Justbecause one woman's lightis shiningdoesn'tmean anotherone's has todim!
Butthat's clearly notthe feelingwithinthe colossalfeud of Mariah Carey Vs Nicki Minaj!
Youshould be wellaware of American Idol's taped drama by now. The judges' claws were outfasterthana post-break-upChris Brown video!
And despite the show's frontof initialcordiality,sources say there was noway these twowere evergoingtogetalong.
Insiders insist:
"There was always hostility betweenthe two. Mariah made itclearthatshe wanted to be the only womanonthe [judges'] panel. And NickifeltMariah was beingpassive-aggressive with comments toward her. Nicki feltas if Mariah was tryingto[make herfeel inferior],and itculminated/exploded inthe scene thatwas leaked."
Soproducers held anemergency meetingwith the twoof them and they allagreed onmovingonwith POSITIVITY and toneverspeak of itagainwith the press.
SowhenMiMiwenttoBarbara Walters,sources say that's whenNickireally gotpissed!! One source says:
"Nickifeltblindsided. She feels Mariah is tryingtogetsympathy by sayingshe threatened toshoother,and thatthe incidentneverhappened."
And thus... the tweetrant. LOL!!
Only time willtellif these ladies cankeepittogetherforthe cameras. Butwith this much attentionsurroundingtheirfeud, we wouldn'tbe surprised if anotherincidentoccurred.
Though hopefully itdoesn't!
If yousay you're gonna move onfrom something,thenmove onfrom it!! This kind of heatis gonna happenwhenyouput twostrongheads together. Letitbe and letthe showgo on!!
[Image via Ivan Nikolov/Curtis Saber/WENN.]
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