How to Eat Healthy on a Budget
Eating fresh, healthy, organic, local foods sounds great—but what if you're on a budget?
We feel your pain. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to eat well and actually save money in the process. Your shopping list isn't going to include vegetarian, brown rice sushi rolls from the macrobiotic deli case, but trust us, you'll live.
1. Don't shop hungry!
How often do you swing by the market on your way home from work, tired and starving? While this seems like grandmotherly advice, it's firmly rooted in current research; a new Cornell study shows that people who shop while hungry are more inclined to buy more calorically dense food.1 Keep a piece of fruit or a small Ziploc® bag full of raw nuts in your bag to guard against filling your cart with foods you're craving now but wouldn't buy on a full stomach.
2. Buy flash-frozen fruits, vegetables, and fish.
While any processing takes away from a food's maximum nutritional value, flash freezing is a great way to preserve vitamins and minerals when vegetables and seafood are at their freshest. And the convenience of a bag of veggies or a filet of fish in the freezer can't be beat. The price? For seafood, there's no comparison: fresh is much more expensive—when you can get it at all. (If you check at your local grocer's fish counter, you'll find that much of what is being sold in the case as fresh has in fact been previously frozen.) Produce is trickier: frozen is sometimes, but not always, cheaper than fresh, in-season, fruits and vegetables.
3. Shop at your local farmers market.
This may surprise you, but it's cheaper to get your veggies—organic or not—at the local farmers' market than at the local supermarket. A 2011 study by the Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont is one of several around the country showing that farmers' market prices are consistently lower than those of neighboring grocery stores.2 Who knew? So have a great time shopping with your neighbors and supporting local farmers, and be happy in the knowledge that you're saving money too.
4. Stick to your list.
Don't cave in to the snazzy packaging on the supermarket shelves. Make your meal plan and shopping list at home, and then stick to it. Here's the exception: when you shop at the farmers' market or local produce stand, sometimes a gorgeously fresh fruit or vegetable will stand out—one you hadn't planned on. Build some flexibility into your list to account for these unanticipated treasures . . . just decide which meals you want to add them to before purchasing. A good rule of thumb is to stick absolutely to your list of pantry items, but give yourself some leeway with fresh, seasonal foods.
5. Eat lots of beans and always soak your own.
Beans are a great source of protein and fiber, and form the cornerstone of many world cuisines. And they're dead cheap—if you buy them dried. Soaking your own beans is easy, though it does take more planning than opening a can of them. But it's no big deal. Just decide the night before what you're going to eat the next day. If a meal includes beans, then put them in a pot of water to soak and leave them overnight. In the morning, let them cook as you're getting ready for the day.
6. Buy in bulk.
Price mart® and other warehouse stores sell fruits and vegetables at ridiculously low prices—if you're willing to buy, say, 15 pounds of potatoes or 8 pounds of oranges at a time. You're in for some work at home, but at those prices, who's complaining? Also, in many regions it is possible to pair up with another family or two and buy a portion of either a cow or a pig directly from a local farmer. In exchange, you will receive many, many neatly wrapped and labeled packages of meat. An extra freezer is necessary for this, but well worth the investment if you live in a region where such arrangements exist. Another huge benefit of this is that you know the animal was not raised on a factory feedlot. Therefore, the meat will likely be free from the steroids and antibiotics that plague grocery store bargain meat cuts.
7. Grow your own
A home garden can be a great way to save money! On top of saving you also know what goes into your food! So why not start simple with some tomatoes, if that works for you try other crops :)
8. Cut your consumption.
Over the last few decades, restaurant portions have become gargantuan, and we somehow seem to think that a platter of food is actually a single serving. Most restaurant entrées can easily feed two or three. So when you're out, either share a single entrée, or get half boxed for another meal. And at home, serve smaller portions on smaller plates. It won't take long at all before you're satisfied with sensible portions!
What tips do you follow to cut down on your food budget? Comment below!
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